Saga- Age of the Wolf adaptation

Pour Morale Gamers have been playing “Saga” a great miniatures game by Alex Buchel which is marketed by Studio-Tomahawk and Gripping Beast. They have also published a multi player campaign in “Age of the Wolf”. It’s a nice set of rules for a campaign, but the campaign mechanism relies on players to schedule their battles, meet up for them, and then play them. Players can attack who they like as well. So, in one campaign season you could have one player needing to schedule half a dozen games, while others only had none or one. Human nature being what it is, this means this campaign will never be finished. There is a mechanism to pay to not play, but I don’t think this would make up for players having to schedule dozens of games on non-game group nights.

So with our group of seven, we often get 4 or 6 to show up, and that’s the night we process the entire Saga campaign season.  Just like the rules, players choose what they want to do and who to attack.  Then we step in and arrange just 2 or 3 battles as close to the players wishes as we can. This way we get through the entire campaign in six nights.

Players who can’t make it that session get a “defend” order. We recommend they not get the wealth payout but do get the extra troops when they don’t show up.